Saturday, December 16, 2017


At Vineyard Place, all meals were provided -- and surprisingly good for institutional food. However, this created a problem for me. Cooking, it turns out, is part of my Ritual of Sanity. I missed it. Fresh rolls were serviced at every lunch, damn good ones, which interfered with the rhythm of my bread baking.

Happily I am back to cooking daily again. For example, from early morning I put together a parsnip-turnip soup, which I just had for lunch, a several hours project, and man is it delicious! Cooking, I feel like I'm myself again.

I also am back working on the novel, the sequel to SODOM, and once again I am excited about it, after it had dropped off the radar at Vineyard. So this move is good for me, essential to my sanity in fact.

Harriet, I suspect, is not so enthusiastic but hopefully she will be after she starts painting again.

Taking the afternoon off to watch Oregon in a bowl game.

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